Install SuperSafe to Android Devices like Formuler Boxes

To download and install our VPN app for android simply visit the google play store and search "SuperSafe VPN"

If you can not locate SuperSafe in the playstore, 

Open "Market" on the Formuler home page or "Play Store"

Install "Downloader"

Insert the code into Downloader 276956

If you get an error please insert the full link:

Install Supersafe VPN app

Signin with your email address and password that you use to sign in on SuperSafe website


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Install SuperSafe to Android Devices to Apple iOS

We are currently working on a IOS app. However it is still possible to use our VPN on your IOS...

Install SuperSafe to Mac Devices

To install and run our VPN on windows 10 simply download our vpn app from here...

Install SuperSafe to Windows Device

To install and run our VPN on windows 10 simply download our vpn app from here...

Install SuperSafe to Firestick Or Android devices with no Playstore

 Install the Downloader app from your respective App Store (Amazon App Store or Google Play) and...